*/ / /. soooooYeahhh ;thiss is myy right hand mannn. =] .
--effiongedwardekwere . lol . myy world . omgshhh / / / ;my sweetie . my hubby ! lovee him to death .thee reason whyy i smile frm time to time . &; sometimes the reason i dnt wana be bothered ! ! !hmmmm ;our story is a bit COMPLICATED . but its worth tellinn at the end of the
day .he's MYheadache;heartache;toothache;tummyache
;lol .all thee achess . awsssh(; .i'vee been down forr thiss boyy for a minutee now / / / / * uhmm fivee yrs to be exact . uhmm!when i first met him backk in 6th grd, he madee me wana SCREAM .ughhhh ! i could not stand him / / / / ;lol . but deep dwn i knew i lyk'd him . &&;somehow all our closest friends did too. lol .
--i want'd to cholkk him everyday ,in ELA . lol . he always had somethinq smart to sayy . ewww !&&&&; its still thee same wayy . lol . . i cann deal withh it better now ;i knw
him too well not to .
as time went onn . i beqan to care for him even MORE ;so i front'd HARDER . lol . i couldnt let him find out i want'd himmm . lol . so i treat'd himm lykk a "friend" &&; that stuckk . uqh! ! ! ! ! !
it wasn't until uhm 7th grd .2004. we hook'd up. lol. it took a minutee. lol. we were act'n lykk we didnt like eachother for a lonq ass timee. it was mostly him tho;-D. hehe / / / / * he knew i want'd him soo whyy didn't hee just askk mee outt . lol . ahaa ! so childishhh. lmaooo / / / / /.
sheeesh ;we didnt lasst too lonq either .lol . maybee lykk a monthh . idk ! he broke up with me . he said shit wasnt qoin so qood . i thouqht otherwise . uqh ! that was a painful day .he dump'd me facee to facee . withh a HURT ARM . lol . so either way it went ;we both were huuuurt(: lol . yess we didd last a monthh i'm so sure now ;cuzz later tht nite . i went to his bday party . lol . our onee monthh was thee samee dayy of his bday . lol . &&&; uhhh yeahh . i still showed up at thee party . &&&; he intorduced mee to his momm as hiss qirlfrienddd . ahha ! so who won ? ? ? ME .
lol ... his mommy caught us kissinq behind thee christmas tree ;cann uu sayy EMBARRASSED ! i felt really badd mann . ahaaa . butt life goes onn . she didnt tell my mommy on me / / / / / /*
idk how but we officially broke upp . some weeks later i quess . hmmmmmm . IDK !
it took us alonq timee for us to qet bckk toqether aqain .lol . itt suck'd beinq without him . so i became thee biqqer man . &;madee thee first movee . lol . &; in no timee we were a couple aqain . but thiss was in 8th grd . OHHMMYYYGGOOSSSHHHH ! worst year ever for usss !
we brokee uppp sooo manyy times . i hated his quts &; all the females tht lyk'd him / / / / ! uqh. hoess were so scandelous bckk then . &; aint no better noww ! fuk'ntrampasshoes ! uqhh . lol .
anywaysss after we left middle school ;we last'd prolly two weeks of summer . he claimed i was too busy to tlk to himm . we hadd CELL PHONES / / / the same ones=] lol . naaa ;but damn everytime he txt meee ;i txt him bck . so i aint see wheree thee busy part came fromm . uqh .
afterr that there was NOmore us . we chat'd off &; on but it hurt'd me muchoo for us to be tlk'n that wayy . likee really ! ninth gradee we were at diff skewls / / / . when we tlk abt it now ;he says he miss'd me alot / / / ;and he was ♥broken that i wouldnt come bckk to him . lol . but hell i aint wana bee mistreated anymore. &;two different skewls . tht wouldaa been hell . so i was scared to take him bck . so shitttttt i was wild'n out freshman year . i had a blasttttt , lol .
ughhhhhhhhh 10th qrd, i moved to pearland . of course i miss'd him . hell he was my 1st L♥VE .
i call'd him every now &;then to see how he was livin . when i saw him around on the wkends. of course i play'd my hard role lykk i aint want him, even tho i miss'd him MUCHOOO! uqhhhh . i juss aint wana seem so vulnerable . lol . so i made myslef donee . &; i hop'd on the niqqas ! ! ! !
summer came around . i moved bckk . &;we start'd tlk'n aqainn=] it made me happy to tlk to him everynitee.. i let him come over onee dayy &; it bouqht all my old feelins bckk ;but i aint let him knww. / / / / /* tht woulda been weirdddd . then i dissapeared ! and i didnt tlk to him aqain.
11th grd ;i couldnt keep my mindd off him . so i call'd him one niqht to tlkk ! he didnt answer ! ! ! the nexxt day i call'd aqain . we talkk'd all niqht . i felt relieved . i told him i loved him ;he thouqht i wass play'n . he hadd a qirlfriend at thee time ! ! this was around nov.15.09. &;tht qirlfriend shit didnt matter to mee. ***sorry myishaaaa. i still lovee uu . but my ♥ was hurt'n without himm .*** lol . NOVEMBER 19,2009 . we were official . at it againnn . tht was thee happiest dayy of myy yearrr. realllyyyyy !
eversense thenn we've been stick'n it out . yeahh of course wee have our problemss ;but look we're nearly seven months innn .... friday it'll be seven months . i adore thee hell outta this boy . i cherishh everythinq we doo . all our memories will never be forqotten ! he's who i desiree... every moment withh him feels lykk heaven . i dnt wana be with anyonee else . i want uss to last F O R E V E R ! lyk etc. lol . maybeee wee were meant to be . cuz after all tht hell we're toqther ! ! ! ! . / / / / / * i'm qet'n really EMOTIONAL . lol . lemme end thisss.
always &; forever sweetyyy . thts what i'm promisinq . hold me to it . cuz i mean it . effiongedwardekwere . i lovee'uu withh all of mee . &; i'll never stop . NEVERRR ! ! ! !
--uur littlee onee™lol .