Saturday, May 23, 2009

latee niterrrr.

itsss lattee. &&& i cant sleep. so what the heckk ... how abt i blogg. lol .
its alot of things on myy mindd. i'm jusst a littlee lostt. i miss myy granny alreadyy.
its times likee this whenn i'd call her. likee oncee at fivee in thee morning i was bored at a friends &&&; we hadd nthn to do. i called myy granny maybee three times. she nonnnne
BUT when i sayyy she called bckk numerous times. its noo lieee. lmfaooo///. she was likee "dejah i jusst wantedd to see iff uu were okk." all on myy voicemaill . of course i was sleep by thenn. ahaa !!! &&&; thee good timess roll. so mannyy memories on myy minddd. she is myy ♥ &&&;forever will she be. hardd to relive myyself at thiss timee. thought i would be finee ;sense we damn near prepared for thiss for abt fivee monthss. but its harder than i expectedd it to bee. its mind blowingg. &&&; idk how ima get up for churcch in the morning. God bless the familyyy. mayy she rest in peacee...i lovee myy motherrr. she's holdinn on quitee well. better than i expectedd. so strongg. her and her siblingsss. its mainly uss grandkiddss freakinn outt. wow///.just been a dayy without her andd we're missing her like crazyyy. lemme close thiss outt. beforee i start leavinnn the minddd. mayy myy dear grandmother rest in peaceee,ilyy.♥.

Friday, May 22, 2009


May 22, 2oo9 .. i lostt my grandmother. Someone so close to me. Someone i looked up to ;to findd strength in myyself. She's the onee i called out the blue just to see how the day has been moving for her. &&&; just to share a couple of laughs. Now who is there to call?This is suchh a tragedy for my family. My grandmother taught us so muchh. she will be greatly missed. Gone from thee bodyy. But forever here in spirit. Sure wishh it wouldnt havee happened, but God makes no mistakes. All of thiss is a lesson learned! Never take anything or anyonee for granted. Cant rushh it...but i cant wait til thee day we meet again///. "Today is the start of something new," they say!!! So why do i feel so oldd. This all seems so outta of place. She's always been known to push pass anything ;she was just that strong. Guessing it was her time to go. She's at peace. &&&;this was something that she couldnt escape. Would have been better if she did. i'm gonna keep my head up. Try to maintain. thruu thee pain. i'm going to push foward because i knw thts what should be done.. Gone but NEVER forgotten//. i lovee youu Barbara Ann! Rest in peace. yourr grandaughter De'Jah Javette.♥


JADA PINKETT SMITHHH . myy idol ... i lovee this lil ladddy. ppl sayy i remind them of mee. i lovee herr!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

-- ;jst tht CRUCiAL.

u never think about it;until happens to u &&&; that's everyones story.....
Just gett'n off of workk ;so pump'd to qo see notorious///; gett'n in the car i was faced withh somee badd news. January 17,2oo9. my grandmother was rushed to the hospital ;from her friends funeral///. weird huhh? in the middle of the ceremony she suffered a stroke. causedd by a blood clot tht had been forming on her brain. she has been in the hospital since then. frm memorial hermann's ICU to some bullshit ass hospital named Kendrick ;where they made her problems worse! if uu ask me ;she was mistreatedd. Then back to memorial hermann.She hass had numerous headd surqeries. developed lunq infections.. etc. probably inn early april they put her bone flap bck into her head ;that had been qone since january. Two weeks laterr the nurses && my family discoveredd tht her head had started to swell up. So another head surqery was performed to remove thee flapp aqain. its sooo hard to watch someone so stronq && independent live off a machine for so lonq. My grandmother plays a biqq role in my family. she's our backk bone. she holds us toqether ;when times qet rouqh. when uu need someone to tlkk to she's always there. even though she's not dead myy aunt helen says she's visitinq a the heavens riqht now. so lets jst say she's in between. early May my family hadd to make a biqq decision.. to take her off her resportory machine, or to keep her on. there were pro's and con's for each decision. this caused so much tension between the familyy. everyyone had their own beliefs. but at the end of the day ;what was best///. was donee! After beinq taken off my qrandmother fouqht for those breaths ! andd to thiss day ;she's breathinq on her own. she's currently in the houston hospice where [[life matters]] ! lol . thts there sloqann. a hospice is a pace where patients are transferred, when theres nthn left a for the hospital to do. its been abt eiqht or nine days so far. when uu first qet there they place uu on some no food thinq for seven to ten dayss. To see if uu'll make it past then. Lets jst say myy qrams is hunqryy. this place prepares uu for the worst &&&; at thee samee timee prepares uu for thee bestt! its so spiritual. lol. and cleeannn. omgshh!
i'm all wrapped up thiss. i lovee my grandmotherr withh all my heart. &&&; i'm hopinq & prayinq for thee best. so i'll keep uu quys postedd on whats qoinn onn with herrr.

peeace&&&;lovee. --littleone.

Burnt bagel bites sayy what?//.*lol

--no laffs needed ;i feel badd enuff. lol
i havee misplaceddd my minddd . i burnt NINE baqel bitess/ / / *how sick can onee qett?!
i was on thee fonee with myy man of course &&&;my brother was tlk'n to me.
i wass readinq the boxx . &&&; it said fourteen minutes . evidentlyy i was readinq the WRONG section . lol. so after abt eiqht minutes myy brother says, "dejahh you're qunna burn these thinqs".i'm jst lyk damn uu wait eiqht minutess to tell me ... theres onlyy three minutes needed for those thinqs. So i'm just lyk wtfffffffffffffffffff?? i re-read the boxx and i was readinq the toaster oven section . lol/////* crazyishhh. so i took them out &&&; they were hardd as a rockk.
but i killed them .lol. i was so hunqryy mayne. &&&; wasnt qunna cook anythinq
i qave one to my mother &&&; she went crazyyy///. after bitinq dwn with her two front teeth . mannnnn were those thinqs crunchyyy. Eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!
so lonq suckerssss!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

freshhh in thiss thanqq . <3 ! aha .

-- ;So i quess i'll start thiss off byy sayinq i lovee &&&&&&; adore my mother . aha ! && my damn self . . . i am thee onee ;ace ;soloist ;uno . lol . jk. naa ; seriously .

Thee name iss De'Jah[day-juh] ! learnn it ;respect it . known to many as dej . most call me LiTTlEE ONEE . its a trademark ;meaninq its been copyriqhted(; .

on the classy ;but devious sideee . lol . try &&knock it.

--without GOD nthn is possible ;with God all things aree possiblee ! ! ! * . PK allday . yeah i knw worse onesss.

6teen soon to be 7teen yrs i've been inn thiss cruel, deceivinq world / / / ; so manyy lies . uqh !

excuse myy lanquaqe but ;fuckkk a haterr ! i live forr GOD &&& ; myyself .

i'm not conceitedd ;i jst think highly of myyselff . if uu ask me ,i'd have zero problems tellinq uu i am simplyy beautiful . i'm abt fourr feet ;10inches . thts what makes me adorable . honest to GOD truth -- ;uu'll NEVERRRRR find another littlee onee like me . thee rest aree just fakes !

i'll be honest . can't deny thee factt that i havee a potty mouthh / / / /* people accept that in me tho . . . stay "dressinq lykk a damn doll ;cursing lykk a fukn sailor ." [[also a copyright]] .

speakinq of dressinq . . . . . .clothes aree smthn i cannott livee without . when i see ppl withh doqqed outt clothess it makes me so madddd . i wana attend colleqe for fashionn .

cuttoff shorts ;lots of bracelts ;skinnies ;poofy skirts ;sandles ;flats ;converse ;braided belts ;long necklaces ;CARDIGANS ;hats ;simple scarves is what i livee forr ! ! ! ! * i qo harddddd . lol .

since 2oo3 ;myy <3>
i wont sitt heree &&; say i'm all abt thee moneyy thinq ;cuz then i'll soundd lyk all thee other fakes .followinq thee trenddd ;when they knw they spend their parents moneyy ! ! ! ! *

i've recentlyyy been deployedd frm thee bestt job ever ! ! ! . SWEET&&SASSY ! damn ; i loved that jobb . so riqht abt now my $$$ flow aint been lookinq so pretty . i've been dependinq on family ;friends &&; my bf for money . its nicee to know ppl qot me when i need them ! aha ! ! ! *

i am keepinq it toooo real . lol . soooon i will be bck on myy qrindd . workinq somewhere else . &&&; i won't fuckk up this time . aha ! . . . i could qo on &&& on . but ima stopp now . uu quys stay tuned for thee nextt bloqq . . . smoochesss . --littleeonee .

testerrr<333333 ! . lol

--bloqspot is easyy sayy what?. lol .