Saturday, May 23, 2009

latee niterrrr.

itsss lattee. &&& i cant sleep. so what the heckk ... how abt i blogg. lol .
its alot of things on myy mindd. i'm jusst a littlee lostt. i miss myy granny alreadyy.
its times likee this whenn i'd call her. likee oncee at fivee in thee morning i was bored at a friends &&&; we hadd nthn to do. i called myy granny maybee three times. she nonnnne
BUT when i sayyy she called bckk numerous times. its noo lieee. lmfaooo///. she was likee "dejah i jusst wantedd to see iff uu were okk." all on myy voicemaill . of course i was sleep by thenn. ahaa !!! &&&; thee good timess roll. so mannyy memories on myy minddd. she is myy ♥ &&&;forever will she be. hardd to relive myyself at thiss timee. thought i would be finee ;sense we damn near prepared for thiss for abt fivee monthss. but its harder than i expectedd it to bee. its mind blowingg. &&&; idk how ima get up for churcch in the morning. God bless the familyyy. mayy she rest in peacee...i lovee myy motherrr. she's holdinn on quitee well. better than i expectedd. so strongg. her and her siblingsss. its mainly uss grandkiddss freakinn outt. wow///.just been a dayy without her andd we're missing her like crazyyy. lemme close thiss outt. beforee i start leavinnn the minddd. mayy myy dear grandmother rest in peaceee,ilyy.♥.