Just gett'n off of workk ;so pump'd to qo see notorious///; gett'n in the car i was faced withh somee badd news. January 17,2oo9. my grandmother was rushed to the hospital ;from her friends funeral///. weird huhh? in the middle of the ceremony she suffered a stroke. causedd by a blood clot tht had been forming on her brain. she has been in the hospital since then. frm memorial hermann's ICU to some bullshit ass hospital named Kendrick ;where they made her problems worse! if uu ask me ;she was mistreatedd. Then back to memorial hermann.She hass had numerous headd surqeries. developed lunq infections.. etc. probably inn early april they put her bone flap bck into her head ;that had been qone since january. Two weeks laterr the nurses && my family discoveredd tht her head had started to swell up. So another head surqery was performed to remove thee flapp aqain. its sooo hard to watch someone so stronq && independent live off a machine for so lonq. My grandmother plays a biqq role in my family. she's our backk bone. she holds us toqether ;when times qet rouqh. when uu need someone to tlkk to she's always there. even though she's not dead myy aunt helen says she's visitinq a the heavens riqht now. so lets jst say she's in between. early May my family hadd to make a biqq decision.. to take her off her resportory machine, or to keep her on. there were pro's and con's for each decision. this caused so much tension between the familyy. everyyone had their own beliefs. but at the end of the day ;what was best///. was donee! After beinq taken off my qrandmother fouqht for those breaths ! andd to thiss day ;she's breathinq on her own. she's currently in the houston hospice where [[life matters]] ! lol . thts there sloqann. a hospice is a pace where patients are transferred, when theres nthn left a for the hospital to do. its been abt eiqht or nine days so far. when uu first qet there they place uu on some no food thinq for seven to ten dayss. To see if uu'll make it past then. Lets jst say myy qrams is hunqryy. this place prepares uu for the worst &&&; at thee samee timee prepares uu for thee bestt! its so spiritual. lol. and cleeannn. omgshh!
i'm all wrapped up thiss. i lovee my grandmotherr withh all my heart. &&&; i'm hopinq & prayinq for thee best. so i'll keep uu quys postedd on whats qoinn onn with herrr.
peeace&&&;lovee. --littleone.