Friday, May 22, 2009


May 22, 2oo9 .. i lostt my grandmother. Someone so close to me. Someone i looked up to ;to findd strength in myyself. She's the onee i called out the blue just to see how the day has been moving for her. &&&; just to share a couple of laughs. Now who is there to call?This is suchh a tragedy for my family. My grandmother taught us so muchh. she will be greatly missed. Gone from thee bodyy. But forever here in spirit. Sure wishh it wouldnt havee happened, but God makes no mistakes. All of thiss is a lesson learned! Never take anything or anyonee for granted. Cant rushh it...but i cant wait til thee day we meet again///. "Today is the start of something new," they say!!! So why do i feel so oldd. This all seems so outta of place. She's always been known to push pass anything ;she was just that strong. Guessing it was her time to go. She's at peace. &&&;this was something that she couldnt escape. Would have been better if she did. i'm gonna keep my head up. Try to maintain. thruu thee pain. i'm going to push foward because i knw thts what should be done.. Gone but NEVER forgotten//. i lovee youu Barbara Ann! Rest in peace. yourr grandaughter De'Jah Javette.♥