i havee misplaceddd my minddd . i burnt NINE baqel bitess/ / / *how sick can onee qett?!
i was on thee fonee with myy man of course &&&;my brother was tlk'n to me.
i wass readinq the boxx . &&&; it said fourteen minutes . evidentlyy i was readinq the WRONG section . lol. so after abt eiqht minutes myy brother says, "dejahh you're qunna burn these thinqs".i'm jst lyk damn uu wait eiqht minutess to tell me ... theres onlyy three minutes needed for those thinqs. So i'm just lyk wtfffffffffffffffffff?? i re-read the boxx and i was readinq the toaster oven section . lol/////* crazyishhh. so i took them out &&&; they were hardd as a rockk.
but i killed them .lol. i was so hunqryy mayne. &&&; wasnt qunna cook anythinq else.lol.
i qave one to my mother &&&; she went crazyyy///. after bitinq dwn with her two front teeth . mannnnn were those thinqs crunchyyy. Eeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!
so lonq suckerssss!